Dalal Street Fest
Dalal Street Fest 8.0
Dalal Street Fest, the flagship event of Public Relations Team of Symbiosis School of Banking Finance was held from 20th November to 26th November. With the sole motive to motive the youth towards trading and give the environment for the same, the fest turned out to be a huge success as the fest witnessed more than 1300 registrations for the fest. The fest consisted of 5 major events including enlightening guest sessions by Mr. Karthik Rangappa and Mr. Vinit Iyer.
The detailed report of the event is as follow:
With its inaugural event, the Bombay Stock Auction (BSA), which took place on November 20, 2022, Team Public Relations of Symbiosis School of Banking and Finances kicked off the Dalal Street Fest 2022.
The event began with the induction program, which was hosted by Akhil Thakrar (Batch 2021-23) and Anoushka Raj (Batch 2022-24). Later, Team Public Relations' mentor, Dr. Jyoti Kappal, addressed the crowd.
BSA 2022 was essentially a virtual bidding competition in which 77 teams competed. There were about 180 participants Pan-India. The stocks listed on the BSE were subject to bidding, and the goal was to develop a profitable portfolio within the limitations yet precisely.
The event mainly operates in line with the opening and closing stock prices reported on the BSE. The participants could bid using the previous closing prices as well as additional criteria like dividends and weekly highs and lows of about 300 companies. With a cap on the original virtual currency that was given to them. Then, two days after the event, their bid was compared to the day's opening price, and their profit was computed.
Despite participants coming from all throughout the nation, three teams ended up securing the first, second, and third places.
It was a three-day mock stock trading event on the Stockgrow app. It was continuous three- day event where the participants traded the stocks. They got the initial investment amount of 10Lakhs. The winner was decided on the portfolio value. With the nail-biting competition being organised, there were 263 registrations with 50 participants trading in the event. With the cut throat competition among the traders, the following participants emerged as winners of the League Of Traders
- 1st Position: Moses Salandri
- 2nd Position: Khushboo Singh
- 3rd Position: Shekhar Patil
- 4th Position: Agrim Pathak
- 5th Position: Shradha Mishra
- Date of event: 25th November, 2022.
- Mode of event: Online
- Total number of registrations: 156
IPO PITCH BATTLE was all about participants coming up with different strategies and tricks to market the IPO prospective to investors in order to appeal them to subscribe IPO. The event was conducted in two rounds, first was the Elimination round which was conducted on the d2c (Unstop) platform. Out of all the participants only 15 teams were selected for the second round which was the Final (Pitching) round. The second round was conducted on zoom with a total participation of 21 students.
Mr. Prasad Khalbande and Mrs. Shivangi Singh were the two judges for the second round. The event had a Pan-India reach. The event was hosted by Gurvanshi Panjwani and Natasha Paswan as the co-host. Despite participants coming from all throughout the nation, three teams ended up securing the first, second, and third places. The participants were given 3 companies to choose from in order to prepare their IPO Pitches. The DRHP of the respective companies were also provided to the participants to help them in the process.
Round 1:
Bull's Eye : The Stock Market Quiz (Round 1) was conducted on 21st November, 2022. The total registrations were 410 out of which 100 participants played the quiz. The quiz was made live at 9am in the morning and participants could attempt it anytime between 9am to 9pm. There were 20 Questions in round 1 and 20 mins were allotted to the participants to solve the quiz. Out of the 100 participants, 6 teams with the highest score were shortlisted the final round.
Round 2:
The final round of the quiz was conducted on 23rd of November with the 6 shortlisted teams. The shortlisted participants were from Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, and Pune. The quiz started at 5pm and was conducted on Zoom platform by Ayusha Agrawal, the quiz master. There were 6 rounds having 6 questions each. The quiz ended in 45 mins with Team Aadi being the winner and Team Bit Wiser the first runner up and Team Elites being the second.
The Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance's Team Public Relations hosted the online event Meme the Market beginning on November 23, 2022. The event took place over three days on November 23, 24, and 25, 2022. All of the participants who registered for Dalal Street Fest received a google sheet. Participants had to forecast the NIFTY closing price for the same day, and the participant who predicted the price that was closest to the closing price won. We have three different winners for three different days of NIFTY price estimation.
On 24th November 2022, Team Public Relations of Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance had an online event, Meme the Market. A google sheet was floated to all the participants who registered under Dalal Street Fest. The sheet was opened from 10 AM on 24th Nov’2022 and closed at 8 PM on 25th Nov ‘2022. The participants had to make a meme on the stock market whoever makes the funniest meme won the event. There was one winner of this event which was decided by Team PR.
The meme that our group determined ought to win the competition is as follow:

On 26th November 2022, Team Public Relations of Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance held our offline event of Dalal Street Fest’22; Dalal Street Arena at Symbiosis Vishwabhavan, S.B Road Campus, Pune.
The organization team reached the venue at 8 am to make the necessary arrangements while the volunteers reached at 9 am. Registration began sharp at 9:00 am and went ahead till 10:15 am. A total of 51 students registered offline while the registration number on unstop platform was 182.
The opening ceremony began at 10:15 am with the lighting of the lamp by Mr Vinit Iyer, Managing Director at Finodemy Edutech Pvt Ltd and Co-founder of Wealth Creators Financial Advisors; Dr. Neha Parashar, Dr. Jyoti Kappal, Mr. Amit Joshi and Mr Hrishikesh Ghokale. Dr. Neha Parashar gave her opening address and highlighted the importance of DSF and urged the participants to play fair and keep leaning. Mr Vinit Iyer was welcomed upon stage to give a guest lecture on Financial Planning. The lecture gave the audience a clear understanding on how and why Financial Planning is a very important aspect of anyone’s life and how to go about with it, in steps.
Then, participants were briefed about Dalal Street Arena by Shobhit Mathur and Bhavya Agrawal before moving onto the game. The brief was followed by a QnA session and then the game began. The participants enthusiastically bought and sold shares all throughout the 10 rounds of the game. They were competitive and relentless throughout, even when the conditions were made tougher for them. The game went on till 1:45 pm, after which the game came to an end and the session broke for lunch, which was arranged by the organizing committee.
Post lunch, the participants assembled back at the auditorium for the closing ceremony at 2:45 pm. Everybody who contributed to the fest was thanked and the session moved onto prize distribution. The winners of Bombay Stock Auction, Bull’s Eye: The Stock Market Quiz, IPO Pitch Battle, League of Traders, Predict the NIFTY, Meme The Market and Dalal Street Arena 8.0 was announced. The winners who were present at the auditorium were given the certificated and dummy cheques.
The session closed with closing remarks by Dr. Jyoti Kappal. She encouraged the students to take some learning back and urged them to register next year if they’re eligible. The participants seemed to be already waiting for the next year’s events. The day closed with photography sessions of volunteers, participants and the organizing committee.

SSBF Dalal Street Fest

Dalal Street Fest, the flagship event, was organized by Public Relations Team at SSBF spreading over a period of 6 days from 3rd October to 8th October, 2021. It included not only trading, rather also interactive sessions from eminent personalities in the BFSI industry. The main objective of the event was to introduce SSBF to all aspiring candidates looking for their careers in Banking and Finance industry. The fest comprised of four events namely Bombay Stock Auction, IPO Pitch Battle and Bull's Eyes: The Stock Market Quiz and Dalal Street Arena 7.0 and received the highest number of total registrations of all.
Bombay Stock Auction:
The first event, BSA, took place on October 3, 2021. It was a Trading event in which shares of around 800 companies were auctioned. Companies listed on the BSE were auctioned. The auction of these companies was in full swing. There was a risk factor associated with this, namely the fall or rise in the share price. About 200 participants participated in the BSA. There was excitement throughout the 4-hour event. The winners won a hefty prize and fantastic vouchers. It turned out to be one of the most successful events of the fest.
Bull's eye: The stock market quiz:
A competition in which participants challenged themselves with a ticking clock and put their knowledge to the test. The event was divided into two parts where the first round was an elimination round which held on D2C platform on 5th October from which six teams were shortlisted for the final round which was held the next day, 6th of October, by a renowned Quiz master, Mr. Priyadarshan Babu. It was a highly competitive quiz round with an enthusiastic crowd.
DSA 7.0:
Being the flagship of the Dalal Street Festival, it was done on a grand scale. SSBF partnered with StockGro (India’s first social trading platform) to conduct the event virtually this year. DSA 7.0 was a 3-day event played during trading hours from 5th to 7th October. The actual market volatility was replicated in the app, which made the gamifying experience more fun and interesting. The StockGro app replicated the real-time prices of all stocks available for trading and there was also live news feed to help participants make decisions making investing easy with its simple yet effective UI. Participants had the opportunity to buy, sell or short sell stocks of their choice at market prices. As most of the attendees were trading for the first time, the Dalal Street Arena turned out to be a cornerstone for many attendees who were dreading trading and wondering what would happen if they lose all their money. It is an amazing idea for promoting financial literacy.
The event started with the tagline: “You think you are the best closure here; here is your chance to prove it”. Participants were allowed to participate in a team of 1-3 in the IPO Pitch battle. There were 2 rounds in the event. Round 1, which took place on October 4, 2021, consisted of an online questionnaire held on D2C wherein they were given 15 minutes to attempt 20 questions. The top 15 teams were selected for the final round. In the final round on October 7, 2021, participants had to select a company from the specified list of companies and present their pitch to an esteemed panel of judges. The pitching was based on why one should invest in the company for long-term. The participants were free to choose the parameters they wished for pitching in front of the judges. Based on their pitching, marks were allotted to the teams and the top three winners were selected.
All the events collectively made the fest a huge success, and it marked as one of the best events organized by SSBF in 2021.
Dalal Street Arena 6.0
The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.' – Warren Buffet
Dalal Street Arena 6.0 ‘As real as it could get’, the flagship event of Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance was conducted by the Public Relations (PR) Team from 14th December, 2020 to 18th December, 2020. The virtual nature of the event helped get over the geographical barrier and saw pan India participation for the highly anticipated proceedings. The platform used this time was the Modern Electronic process of trading which not only helped the attendants gain familiarity with the online trading process but also simulated a real trading environment, kindling a competitive spirit and making the event a resounding success.
Two webinars were held on the first day of the event to warmly welcome the participants and introduce the participants to the concept of DSA 6.0. Dr. Manisha Ketkar, Director of SSBF, marked the beginning with a short speech addressing the audience, impressing upon them the importance of Stock Market Trading and the necessity of learning from our own mistakes. It was followed by an interesting guest lecture on the Dynamic Behavior of the Stock Market by Mr. Kunal Rambhia, an adept industry professional in the field. Mr. Rambhia provided a deeply informative and systemic look into the movements of Stock Markets, with a special focus on Black Swan events. His informal and educative approach resonated well with the participants, who ended up being supremely appreciative of his personal experiences and vast knowledge of the subject.
A short session with Hardik Arora, the winner of 2019’s Mock DSA followed, wherein he introduced the online software to be used during the event. Mr. Arora explained the intricacies of the software in detail and proceeded to open the session for doubts. Anyone who had any doubts about the event was encouraged to come forward and clear them to ensure smooth functioning over the next four days of actual trading. The audience responded well and an interactive session followed, whereby issues were handled immediately and all doubts were sated calmly by the team.
While the current situation restricted in person gathering for the event, the PR Team outdid themselves with the flawless organization and virtual conduct of the event. Shravan Gupta (B.Sc (Math), University of Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh) was announced as the winner, with Basil Manithottam (B.Com (Accounting and Finance), Madras Christian College, Chennai) and Priyanshul Govil (B.Tech Information Technology, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Mumbai) winning the second and third place respectively on the fifth and final day of the event. With the faculties in charge coordinating seamlessly, the Creative Team spear heading the visual campaigning and more than 20 volunteers handling back-end for the constant support of participants, the DSA 6.0 culminated as one of the largest accomplishments of SSBF in 2020.

Dalal Street Arena 5.0
Warren Buffett rightly quoted “The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect.”
Keeping this dogma in mind, individuals from all over Pune entered this arena of opportunities, an arena where acumen and instincts play through, an arena we have christened DALAL STREET ARENA 5.0, the annual mock stock event organised by Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance.
The event kicked off with a captivating speech by the Guest of Honour- an investment management consultant, highly accomplished in his field - Mr. Prasad Kalbhande. His opening quote “Wealth is in the hands of few- because they think differently and take calculated risks”, allured the young minds of the audience into a world of thought. His justifiable difference between being rich and being wealthy, stating that the market is full of people with riches, but who lack wealth, developed a keen insight for the topic. He beautifully explained the rationale and analysis behind placing every order, for it to be effective, coupled with the variations in trading and investment, simplified the opinions of many into a single chain. The session came to an end with Mr. Kalbhande leaving behind a tip “Become financially literate. Spend time learning the markets and you will grow along with your wealth”.
With refreshments out of the way, the stock market trading floor was set for skills and dexterity to be displayed. Shortly, applying the ideology of “knowing the value and not the price”, the calm and tranquil auditorium turned into a ruffled environment tied with heaps of determination and fortitude and there was no mistaking that trading had begun! Chaos, grins, laughter and screams of excitement that filled the room, all drew attention to one thing, that yet again SSBF soar to great heights. The students managed to pull off yet another successful event with sheer dedication, steadfast hard work and persistent efforts.
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”, at the end, although just 3 candidates traded their way to victory showcasing patience, discipline, adaptability and mental toughness, all left with oodles of erudition, entirely owing to the triumph of DSA 5.0.

Dalal Street Arena 4.0
“Dalal Street Arena-4.0” one of the flagship events of Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance was organized by Public Relationship team on the 11th of October 2018. The event was held at S.B.Road campus. There were students from various campuses like BMCC, MMCC, Indira college, SCAC.
The event started with a guest lecture by Mr. R Ravi Kumar who is a seasoned multi-faced consultant with over a decade of experience in finance, E- commerce, marketing, education technology, and talent development. The session gave the young minds idea about career and opportunities ahead in the field of Banking and Finance. Mr. R Ravi Kumar who has over a decade of experience told the students it’s alright to make mistakes, but shouldn’t stop following the dream. He also told that we shouldn’t celebrate too early in life.
This was followed by the main event of the day “Mock Stock Exchange” where all the participants were the traders and they had to buy and sell among their own fellow participants. Along with this, there were constant updates regarding news of the companies that would lead to an impact on the share prices of the companies. So looking into all of this the traders had to see if they wanted to hold back the shares with themselves or sell it.
Mock Stock Exchange process went on for an hour and a half, in the end, the winner was decided on the basis of a trader with maximum net worth with them. First place was won by Apoorv Joshi and second place was won by Ajinkya Deshmukh. All the students actively took part and made the event a big success.
Dalal Street Arena 3.0
The Public Relations Committee of Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance, hosted their flagship event “Dalal Street Arena – 3.0” on 23rd November 2017. The event which was held at the S. B. Road campus, saw over 200 participants from various colleges in the city.
The event started with a workshop by Mr. Purv Shah, a freelance entrepreneur in the field of investment advisory and training. The workshop, gave the students a fair idea about stock markets, trading as well as careers in finance. Having an experience of over twelve years in financial markets, he told the students that it is alright to make mistakes. According to him, one learns the best from experiences and emotions.
This was followed by a “Mock Stock Exchange” where all the participants were traders and had to buy and sell shares from other fellow participants. There were constant news updates such as impact of GST on specific sectors, dividend declaration of companies and declaration of quarterly results. The students, based on these updates took decisions on whether to buy, sell or hold the shares.
The competition ended with the person with the highest net worth winning. This year’s winner was Aman Kumar. The second and third places went to Rohan Jaiswal and Siddharth Arora for having the highest trading profit and least cash balance respectively. To say that the event was a huge success would be an understatement.
Dalal Street Arena 2.0
On the 9th of September 2016, Symbiosis school of Banking and Finance had organized a mock stock event called DALAL STREET ARENA 2.0.which was held at Symbiosis University, Senapati Bapat Road at the SYMBIOSIS VISHWABHAVAN AUDITORIUM.
Students from various colleges came to take part in this event. Participants were mostly from Poona College, Marathwada Mitra Mandal College of Commerce (MMCC), Singhad Institutes and Symbiosis Institutes to name a few. They were welcomed by the volunteers and guided towards the registration desks at sharp 9:50 AM where they also received a notepad, pen and a customized keychain.
The resource person for the day was MR.PURV SHAH, freelancer at the BROKERS FORUM and who was felicitated by Mrs. Manisha Ketkar, Director of Symbiosis School of Banking And Finance. The first session was regarding the career opportunities provided in the financial sector in today’s relevance which was then followed by a lunch and refreshments break. The second session started off at 2:00 PM with a small quiz round to lighten up the mood of the audience. And this was followed up with a session on stock exchange and its working. After the completion of the workshop the mock stock competition started where the participants had to apply the knowledge they received from the workshop and make use of it in this simulation. An Instagram boot was also provided for students to take pictures with.
The winners of the event were Yogesh Mishra,Pooja Ridichatti, Anirudh Rao and Mohammad Kashan Azmi. The feedback received from the participants depicted the success of the event where students found this experience to be extremely fruitful and they would be willing to be a part of the event in the years to come.

Setting a trend- Dalal Street Arena 2015
The warm morning of 25th September 2015 witnessed excitement, enthusiasm and passion running through the veins of the students of SSBF. As a part of its PR initiative, Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance organized its first ever virtual stock trading workshop and competition: “Dalal Street Arena” on 25th September 2015 at Symbiosis Vishwabhawan, S.B Road, Pune. The event was designed to create awareness and improve the knowledge of the participants relating to the functioning and operations of the stock markets.
The participants were undergraduate students of various colleges across Pune and Mumbai. Registrations were received from colleges like MITSOM, Indira and BMCC to name a few. A total of 80 students participated in the event and about 30 on spot registrations were recorded.
The event was conducted in two slots. The morning slot involved a talk on career goals and aspirations by eminent entrepreneur in the field of financial advisory Mr. Purv Shah. In the second slot, a virtual trading ring was created where students were asked to trade in stocks keeping in mind the various market forces. At the end of the event, winners were announced on the basis of highest portfolio value and highest intraday gains. They received cash prizes worth Rs. 10000 and certificates.
Dalal Street Arena turned out to be a huge success and worth every effort put in by the volunteer students of SSBF. All the participants and volunteers had an intellectually stimulating experience and went home better informed and more learned about the secondary market. The whole purpose of the event to raise awareness regarding the volatility of the stock market and its importance in shaping the economy was very well achieved. Inspired by the grand success of Dalal Street Arena, the PR Team of SSBF plans to target students from across the country next year, to have a pan India impact.