SYMFIN - Research Conference
SymFin 2023 - Virtual Research Conference
Theme : Fintech and Artificial Intelligence : Growth Drivers in BFSI sector
On 22nd September of 2023, Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance hosted the prestigious annual conference SYMFIN, where great minds and experienced personalities in pursuit of knowledge gather to share their expertise and present their papers. On this day the college embarked on a journey of cutting-edge research revolving around the field of AI and Fintech. The Conference was preceded by an online pre-conference where speakers Dr Asit Bandopadhayay (Assistant Professor of Business Analytics, Austin Peay State University), Dr Atul Shiva (Assistant Professor, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida, Uttar Pradesh) and Dr Ajay Kumar Chauhan (Founder - ResearchShiksha,) shared their valuable insights on “The Art of Writing a Research Paper”, PLS-SEM and “Text Mining in Orange Software'' respectively.
The conference began with a ceremonial lighting of the lamp and a SIU film presentation followed by a brief address by the Director of SSBF to all the attendees. To begin the conference with and to set the momentum of the event, Dr. Neha Parashar, Director SSBF, inaugurated the event with her inspiring and thought-provoking speech followed by Dr. Ardhendu Shekar Singh, a distinguished member of SSBF faculty and a key pillar of SYMFIN, began with an introductory speech.
The event commenced with the Guest of honor, Dr. Amitabh Rajan, who is a retired IAS officer of Maharashtra cadre, serving at various places across the nation in his span of career shared his insights on AI, Fintech and ever evolving technology. He currently is the chairman of RBI services board. Sir spoke on “Institutional Adoption of Fintech Innovation: A Meta-policy view.” His starting note reflected the patriotism which defined him and then he began with a question for the students “How is India doing in the field of Fintech?” Sir spoke on various subjects which included Conceptualizing Tech-novation, Taxonomy of Fintech, Economic Theory and innovation, Theory of Disruptive innovation, How 2008 crisis made people think about the foundational basis of blockchain, Unfolding the fourth industrial revolution, Tech at workplace, Conceptualizing Fintech Operations, Wealth Management, Using Fintech in insurance etc.
This remarkable speech by sir was followed by a Q&A session, where students from SSBF had an opportunity to engage in thought provoking discussion with Dr. Rajan sir.
The session was then taken over by the special guest Mr. Rajesh Dhuddu, SVP and Global Head of Cognitive Technology Business, Tech Mahindra. Mr. Rajesh, who has over 25 years of experience, has consistently showcased his ability to drive businesses from their inception to significant revenue generation across diverse sectors, including Telecom, Business Process Management (BPM), Travel, Healthcare, Global Payments, Emerging Technologies, and Cognitive Technologies. Mr. Rajesh spoke about blockchain, blockchain solutions, he also emphasized on the importance of digital transformation and role of emerging tech in finance. He also spoke about the immersive techno, emergence of AI, and ChatGPT. Sir also mentioned about the changing roles of CFOs, as CFOs being the trusted analysts at a rapid pace. As people are moving towards invisible money, contactless transactions and cashless economy, the roles of CFOs are also changing at a rapid pace.
This session was very enlightening for each one of us present in the audience. This engaging session was followed by the Q&A session. With that the inaugural session of SYMFIN 2023 was then ended with valuable and enriched learnings from all the speakers. The annual research conference then commenced with paper presentation session which was split into online and offline tracks spread into 3 sessions. Each participant was given 12 minutes to present their paper and 3 additional minutes to conclude and for Q&A from the session chairs
SYMFIN-2023 provided valuable insights into the intersection of AI and Fintech, with engaging discussions, paper presentations, and expert presentations from notable figures in the field. It was a platform for learning and knowledge sharing in the finance and technology sectors.
SYMFIN- 2022 - Virtual Research Conference
Theme : Emerging Perspectives of Finance in the Kaleidoscopic Economic Scenario
In this progressive world of the cutting-edge-technology, the Finance and Technology influence the lifestyle of an individual and also, bolsters the financial system of banks and companies through technology.
In order to introduce the fellow students to Fintech and for a deeper insight into the subject, Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance hosted a two-day virtual event called the ‘Symfin-2022’ in the campus, on 26th as well as on 27th August, 2022 for the senior and junior batch.
On 27th August, the commencement of the event began with an informative session on ‘Risk and Risk Perceptions on Wall Street and in the US economy’ by Mr. Matt Lambert, President of Socionomics Institute, Gainesville, USA. To begin with, history of the US economy and the problems regarding Recession and GDP variation were discussed through the analysis of graphical data. Most importantly, the students were introduced to the Socionomic Theory of Finance to analyze the differences between perceived risk and objective risk. The first session was concluded with the speaker’s opinion on whether the risk perception is fulfilling or not, which was followed by a question from the spectators on Indian stock market.
The succeeding discussion was by Prof. Abhishek Parikh, Associate Dean, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities; Principal, V.M. Patel College of Management Studies and Professor, V.M Patel Institute of Management at Ganapath University, on ‘Introduction to Business Analysis: Analytics in Finance’, wherein the students got a chance to get acquainted with a wide variety of topics such as Analytics, Business Analytics and Data Science, importance of Financial Analytics and differences between R, SAS and Python, which was followed by a question by the audience.
The penultimate session was by Mr. Satish Kumar, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning and also an Associate Professor in the Department of Management Studies at Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur and by Mr. Sabri Boubaker, Professor of Finance at EM Normandie Business School, Paris, France. The discussion was basically about the aspects such as style, topics, keywords used in the journals and the basis of selecting the paper to publish in the journal.
The final part of the event was concluded with yet another intriguing and a fruitful discussion on “Post-2008 Banking and Finance: Emerging trends” by Dr. Amitabh Rajan, Chairman at Reserve Bank of India Services Board. The viewers were introduced to the economic crisis of 2008 and the concerns regarding the catastrophe. Also, the listeners were updated on how to conceptualize an organized life, institutions, the tech disruptions and the BFSI advantage. Certain details on Fintech Intermediation in Banking, IR 4.0- based Business Models in Banking, Competing on Big Data Analytics, Blockchain Advantage for nations and Economics for Technovation for people were also filled in.
After an illuminating day of the occasion, the event was concluded by Vote of Thanks. In a nutshell, Symfin-2022 turned out be triumphant which has been embedded in the spectators’ minds with a mountain of knowledge which will have to be carried over further.
SymFin 2021—Virtual Research Conference
Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance held SYMFIN 2021 - National Virtual Conference on Business and Inclusive Growth in Contemporary Times, on 02nd and 03rd July 2021. The two-day event kick-started on a felicitous note with opening address by Dr. Manisha Ketkar, Director, SSBF extending her warm regards to Dr. Venkateswarlu, Professor, NITIE, Mumbai and the one keynote speaker for the day.
Dr. M Venkateshwarlu obtained his Masters in Commerce at Osmania University, taught briefly at Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), and then obtained his doctorate in Corporate Finance, from Department of Business Management, Osmania University.
He enthusiastically began the session on the topic -Frontiers of Financial Market of India in the Pandemic. He emphasised the relevance of knowledge of financial markets amongst youth and how the regulations work. He explained how the emergence of pandemic disrupted the economic activities initially and impact on markets in India as well as on a global level.
SSBF welcomed another remarkable speaker Dr. Manoj Dash, Associate Professor, Khallikote University who delivered a keynote speech on topic Advance Analytical Tools in Management Research. Having been published more than 67 research paper in journals of International and National repute, he has a wide area of interest in Marketing Analytic and Intelligence, Econometrics modelling in Marketing, Optimisations Modelling in Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Behavioural Economics, Marketing Research and Advertisement and Sales Promotion Management and also authored some books. He enlightened the students on the advancement of tools in the management research followed by Q&A session from the students.
Eventually the very first day came to an end by the presentations on Corporate Finance track.
On July 3, 2021, the Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance was honoured to host the second day of the SYMFIN 2021 virtual Research Conference. Dr. Tom Housel, Professor of Information Sciences at the Naval Postgraduate School, gave the keynote presentation for the day.
Dr. Tom Housel gave a presentation on the topic of accounting's limitations as a source of information for financial analysts. He discussed the value parameter in accounting. A panel discussion was held on the topic of “Finance in the Age of Chaos, Uncertainty, and Volatility.” The guests for the session were Mr. Alok Sheopurkar, Executive Vice President and Head of Human Resources, HDFC AMC, Mr. Matt Lampert, Socionomics Institute President, Mr. Manish Bairagi, SinoGulf Investments' Corporate Finance Manager in Dubai, Mr. Pankaj Wahi, ISMT Limited's Executive Vice President (Finance & Accounts) and Mrs. Mamta Vats, SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Associate Vice President, Human Resources were on the panel.
Dr. Radhakrishna Pillai, Professor, Information System, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, delivered the Valedictory address. He hoped that some of us would continue to research and push the boundaries.
Following that, The Best paper award and the most deserving nominees were announced, and an applause was given to all those participating in the event.
Dr. Shiba Parhi gave a vote of gratitude at the end of the event, with the goal of expanding it in the future.
SymFin 2020—Virtual Research Conference on 28th & 29th August
SSBF held SYMFIN 2020 - National Virtual Conference on Frontiers of Banking and Finance: Reshaping the financial sector, on 28th and 29th August 2020. The two-day event kick-started on a felicitous note with Dr. Manisha Ketkar, Director, SSBF extending her warm regards to Dr. Abhishek Behl, distinguished alumnus of SSBF and the keynote speaker for the day.
Dr. Abhishek Behl is a researcher in the area of information technology and analytics. He successfully completed his first Ph.D. from Symbiosis International University in 2015. He has earned his second Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He holds a rich experience of teaching, research, and consultancy. He has also enjoyed the honour of being ‘Emerald Research Scholar’ awarded by Emerald Publishing House, UK, and Symbiosis International University, for notable contribution in research (2014-2016).
Dr. Abhishek enthusiastically began the session by opening up about his early life and how a research paper on a topic in his MBA journey at SSBF started his path to become the researcher he is today. He extended gratitude to SSBF for giving the right grade and not a good one which helped him ask the right questions, crucial for any research.
He extinguished everyone’s curiosity about the reason for a second Ph.D. by disclosing how he felt an irresistible calling to look for the answers of the research questions he had left behind. He believed he was buying time in pursuit of excellence and happiness as he rightly was.
He urged students to take up any research, not as a destination but a journey. “Research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing,” such remarks by Dr. Abhishek Behl comforted all of us and gave the much-needed nerve to think unconventionally and innovatively. “Research for impact” was an important aspect of his address where he insisted students to work on any research not for rewards but for the love of research and for what we owe back to this society. The session came to an end with final remarks by Dr Abhishek about the importance of accepting failure and moving ahead in life.
The session was followed by presentations from students on research topics ranging from diverse areas of finance including corporate, mathematical, behavioural and development finance to supply chain, technology and portfolio management.
Guest session by Dr. K. S. Sujit
Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance was delighted to organize and host its second day of SYMFIN 2020 virtual Research Conference on 29th August 2020. The session commenced with the keynote address by Dr. KS Sujit, Associate Professor and Chairperson accreditation at Institute of Management Technology, Dubai.
Dr. KS Sujit shared his thought-provoking and insightful research journey about the oil economy. He laid emphasis on the whole politics we have ventured till now regarding the oil prices in India and across the globe. He also talked about the Middle-East where oil is the major source of wealth. Sir also covered the broad framework of oil as a commodity, its significance, price determination and what are the challenges faced by Middle-East and India in this span of time.
Sir enlightened about oil which is still considered as the number one primary source of energy. He analysed the amount of oil reserves we have, how long we can sustain and how the Middle East holds the major portion of the world's total oil reserves. Sir discussed the future of oil reserves, its effect on the economy and what steps should we take next for its conservation.
Taking the discussion forward, Sir shed some light on the important aspects of the oil economy such as its history, role of OPEC, how some countries used it as a political weapon and the fluctuations in oil prices.
Eventually the session came to an end with a Q&A session with the students. It was undeniably an informative session which kindled the hope among the listeners to delve deeper into this economy for future betterment.
Day- 2
Valedictory by Prof. Ajay Pandey
On 29th August, 2020: SSBF invited Prof. Ajay Pandey, Ex. Director and Academic Dean IIM A, to give a valedictory address upon the successful culmination of SYMFIN 2020.
“Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.”
The session started with such encouraging words by Dr. Manisha Ketkar, our director Madam.
Prof. Pandey started on a cautionary note. He warned the students about the prevalent conditions and its effects on the market efficiency and future markets. He also warned the young researchers to avoid the tendency to leap to conclusions. “Research manifestation is not satisfied by the first thought you get in mind”, He said. It is wrong to have an “I know everything” attitude.
According to Prof. Pandey, Banking and Finance is a domain which has been going through transformation. He then talked about the importance of operations in the Banking and Finance sector, Technology and Quantitative models. He then moved on to the problems the Indian economy is facing due to the covid crisis like Job Losses, Pileup of NPA’s, underutilization of assets and slack of finance. His suggestions to improve these conditions were to hasten some of the things, use technology and reduce the risk by model based rather than discretion based.
At last, He was hopeful that some of us will push the envelope and continue to research. It is a good idea to keep the research culture alive. He wanted the students to not take research outcomes as a sales pitch and also focused on the importance of being skeptical as a researcher.
Then, Best paper awards were distributed to the most deserving candidates and there was a huge round of applause commending the efforts of all the people involved in the event.