Faculty Publication
2024 - 2025
- Gokhale, M., & Pillai, D. (2024). Institutional framework of earnings management in emerging economies–a systematic literature review using bibliometric analysis. Journal of Economic and Administrative Scienc.
- Pillai, D., Doifode, A., Parashar, N., Bhosale, T., Ghosh, A., Surapalli, S., & Sharma, R. (2024). Diverse linkages between green bonds and equity indices of developed and developing economies. International Journal of Management and Sustainability, 13(2), 221-231.
- Gokhale, M., & Pillai, D. (2024). Firm-level and country-level determinants of earnings management in emerging economies: a systematic framework-based review. Future Business Journal, 10(1), 72.
- Rastogi, S., Kanoujiya, J., Gautam, R. S., & Parashar, N. (2024). Impact of environmental efficiency on tourism export under the moderation of inflation: a cross-country analysis. Cogent Economics & Finance, 12(1), 2356467.
- Painoli, G. K., Bommisetti, R. K., Kaila, R. P., Moorthygari, S. L., Archana, K., & Krishnan, D. (2024). Impact of Portfolio Performance on International Portfolio Diversification. International Journal of Religion, 5(6), 631-643.
- Mehta, M., & Kappal, J. M. (2024). Good, bad, and ugly experiences of non-binary gender inclusion at the workplace to frame employee value proposition. Personnel Review.
- Doifode, A., Bhosale, T., Singh, A. S., & Pillai, D. (2024). Smart Technology in Digital Payments: Transforming the Financial Landscape of India. In 2024 4th International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management (ICIPTM) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
- Parkhi, S., Karande, K., & Rajpurohit, S. C. (2024). Equipment Monitoring In Manufacturing using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). In 2024 4th International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management (ICIPTM) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
- Singh, A. S., Pillai, D., Doifode, A., & Bhosale, T. (2024). Unfolding Finance 4.0 through Digital Innovation and Financial Automation. In 2023 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N) (pp. 983-986). IEEE.
- Parkhi, S., Karande, K., & Palande, B. (2024, April). Blockchain and Its Use Cases in Banking, Accounting and Finance. In International Conference on Business and Technology (pp. 63-71). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Year April 2023- March 2024
Journal Papers
- Rawal, A., Bhimavarapu, V. M., Sidhu, A. V., & Rastogi, S. (2023). Does financial distress induce companies to restructure their financing mix?. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences.(WoS)
- Pushp, A., Gautam, R. S., Tripathi, V., Kanoujiya, J., Rastogi, S., Bhimavarapu, V. M., & Parashar, N. (2023). Impact of Financial Inclusion on India’s Economic Development under the Moderating Effect of Internet Subscribers. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(5), 262. (Scopus/WoS)
- Bhimavarapu, V. M., Rastogi, S., & Mulay, P. (2023). A Bibliometric Study on Corporate Transparency and Disclosures. FIIB Business Review, 12(2), 138-157. (Scopus/WoS)
- Mahale, A., Damle, M., Chirputkar, A., Kulkarni, P., Bhosale, T. (2023). Data protection regulation by personal data protection bill in India: Bearing on Business India. Russian Law Journal, Vol. 11 No.3, 2840-2849. (Scopus/Wos)
- 5.Bhosale T., Korivi S., Pillai D., Bhimavarapu, M., Parashar N. (2023). Impact of pandemic on underlying commodities and exchange rate: An Indian perspective. Russian Law Journal, 11(8s), 428-441. (Scopus/Wos)
- Abraham, R., Bhimavarapu, V. M., Tao, Z., & Rastogi, S. (2023). The Influence of Cash Ownership on Financial Performance: An Examination of Disruptors and Acquirers. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(3), 197. (Scopus/ABDC-B)
- Kanoujiya, J., Abraham, R., Rastogi, S., & Bhimavarapu, V. M. (2023). Transparency and Disclosure and Financial Distress of Non-Financial Firms in India under Competition: Investors’ Perspective. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(4), 217. (Scopus/ABDC-B)
- Kanoujiya, J., Rastogi, S., Abraham, R., & Bhimavarapu, V. M. (2023). Does Competition Affect Financial Distress of Non-Financial Firms in India: A Comparison Using the Lerner Index and Boone Indicator. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(7), 340.(Scopus/ABDC-B)
- KAPPAL, J. M., & RASTOGI, S. (2023). Determinants of Financial Satisfaction in Indian Women Entrepreneurs: Evidence from Delhi, Mumbai and Pune. Finance India, 37(2).
- Vaibhav, A., Sudhi, S., & Adesh, D. (2023). 9 Artificial Neural Network and Forecasting Major Electricity Markets.
- Pillai, D., Singh, A. S., Bhosale, T., & Doifode, A. (2023, August). A Perspective on the Application of Fintech as a Gateway for Financial Literacy. In 2023 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) (pp. 811-814). IEEE.
- Bhimavarapu, V. M., Rastogi, S., Kanoujiya, J., & Rawal, A. (2023). Repercussion of financial distress and corporate disclosure on the valuation of non-financial firms in India. Future Business Journal, 9(1), 62. (Wos)
- Kanoujiya, J., Jain, P., Banerjee, S., Kalra, R., Rastogi, S., & Bhimavarapu, V. M. (2023). Impact of Leverage on Valuation of Non-Financial Firms in India under Profitability’s Moderating Effect: Evidence in Scenarios Applying Quantile Regression. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(8), 366.(Scopus/ABDC)
- Rastogi, S., Kanoujiya, J., & Doifode, A. (2024). Volatility integration of crude oil, gold, and interest rates on the exchange rate: DCC GARCH and BEKK GARCH applications. Cogent Business & Management, 11(1), 2289700. (WoS)
- Aggarwal, V., Saini, M., Kumar, P., Yadav, M., & Doifode, A. (2024). Impact of cryptocurrencies on inflation: evidence from BICS countries. International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy, 10(1), 78-91. (Scopus)
- Mahamuni, P. N., Parkhi, S., Sunder, R. G., Karande, K., Gadzo, S. G., & Singh, P. K. (2023). Does the merger improve the operating performance of the company? Evidence from the beverage industry in India. F1000Research, 12. (Scopus)
- Barge, P., Sharma, R., Rastogi, S., Agarwal, B., Doifode, A., & Tejasmayee, P. (2023, July). Bank’s Efficiency & The Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) of Indian Banks: Using Data Envelopment Analysis Approach. In International Conference on Human-Centric Smart Computing (pp. 271-284). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. (Scopus)
- Kappal, J. M., & Doifode, A. (2023, September). Green Finance: A Catalyst for Sustainable Future. In 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Islamic Business and Finance (SIBF) (pp. 265-270). IEEE.(Scopus)
- Kappal, J. M. (2023, September). Women Entrepreneurs: New Research Horizons-Literature Review. In 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Islamic Business and Finance (SIBF) (pp. 382-385). IEEE. (Scopus)
- Bhatt V.; Pathak P.; Rastogi S.;Bhimavarapu, Venkata M.; Tapas P.; Kadam S.; Parashar N. ; Barge P. ;Agarwal B. (2023). Understanding and Forecasting of Credit Defaulters Using R-Programming. Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability. Volume 12, Pages 1439 - 1448. (Scopus)
- Rastogi, S., Kanoujiya, J., Singh, S. P., Doifode, A., Parashar, N., & Tejasmayee, P. (2023). Fossil Fuel-Based versus Electric Vehicles: A Volatility Spillover Perspective Regarding the Environment. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(12), 494. (Scopus)
- Singh, A. S., Bharti, N., & Kumar, P. (2023). Is Micro-warehousing a Solution to Agricultural Commodity Storage?. Asian Journal of Management Cases, 09728201231195441. (Scopus)
- Parashar, N., Gupta, S., Sharma, R., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2023). Factors influencing the usage of mobile payment services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 13(10), 727-737. (Scopus)
- Parashar, N., & Sinha, A. (2023). Personal Agency: Determinant of Student's Academic Performance in Entrepreneurship Courses. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 20(2), 94-106. (Scopus)
- Rastogi, S., Kanoujiya, J., Tejasmayee, P., Banerjee, S., Parashar, N., & Dani, A. (2023). Environmental Performance and a Nation’s Growth: Does the Economic Status and Style of Governance of a Country Matter?. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(10), 460. (Scopus, ABDC-B)
- Sidhu, A. V., Abraham, R., Bhimavarapu, V. M., Kanoujiya, J., & Rastogi, S. (2023). Impact of Liquidity on the Efficiency of Banks in India Using Panel Data Analysis. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(9), 390. (Scopus, ABDC-B)
Year April 2022- March 2023
Journal Papers
- Singh, A.S., Parahoo, S.K., Ayyagari, M. and Juwaheer, T.D. (2023), "Conclusion: how could rural tourism provide better support for well-being and socioeconomic development?", Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 84-93. (Scopus, ABDC-C)
- Singh, A.S., Parahoo, S.K., Ayyagari, M. and Juwaheer, T.D. (2023), "Introduction: how could rural tourism provide better support for wellbeing and socio-economic development?", Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 3-7. (Scopus, ABDC-C)
- Marak, Z. R., Ambarkhane, D., & Kulkarni, A. J. (2022). Application of artificial neural network model in predicting profitability of Indian banks. International Journal of Knowledge-based and Intelligent Engineering Systems, 26(3), 159-173.
- Ambarkhane, D., Singh, A.S., Venkataramani, B. and Marak, Z. (2022), "Overcoming barriers to financial inclusion: empirical evidence from India", International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 49 No. 9, pp. 1302-1323. (Scopus)
- Dash, S., Dam, L. B., Pillai, D., & Kumar, J. (2022). Univ Manufacturers: key account management for B2B. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies. 12(1), pp. 1-27(Scopus)
- Ambarkhane, D., Singh, A. S., & Venkataramani, B. (2022). Measurement and Analysis of the Productivity of Indian Banks. Economic and Political Weekly, 57 (17), 54-61. (Scopus, ABDC-B)
- Pillai, D. and Deshpande, S.M. (2022), "Exploring warehouse receipts financing for farmers through a case study", Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JADEE-10-2021-0256 (Scopus)
- Tapas, Poornima; Pillai, Deepa; Dangre, Rita; and Kulkarni, Kishore (2022) "Pathways of Reform in Education: Evidence from India," International Review of Business and Economics: Vol. 6: Iss. 1, Article 17. Available at: https://digitalcommons.du.edu/irbe/vol6/iss1/17
- Choudhary, J., Shree, S., Rastogi, S., & Kappal, J. (2022). Exploring Regional Differences in Cultural Values: A Hybrid Thematic Analysis. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 15(10), 8-27. (Scopus)
- Parkhi, S., Karande, K., Barge, P., Belal, H.M. and Foropon, C.R.H. (2022), "Unfolding design and technology for superior sales growth under moderating effect of technological environment", Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEIM-07-2022-0253 (Scopus)
- Parhi, S.P. and Pal, M.K. (2022), "Impact of overconfidence bias in stock trading approach: a study of high net worth individual (HNI) stock investors in India", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 29 No. 3, pp. 817-834. (Scopus, ABDC-B )
- Tapas, P., & Pillai, D. (2022). Prospect theory: an analysis of corporate actions and priorities in a pandemic crisis. International Journal of Innovation Science. Vol. 14 No. 3/4, pp. 461-475. (Scopus)
- Gautam, Rahul Singh, Venkata Mrudula Bhimavarapu, Shailesh Rastogi, Jyoti Mehndiratta Kappal, Hitesh Patole, and Aman Pushp. 2023. Corporate Social Responsibility Funding and Its Impact on India’s Sustainable Development: Using the Poverty Score as a Moderator. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 16: 90. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm16020090 (Scopus/Wos/ABDC-B Category)
- Singh, A.S. & Kundu D, (2021). Rural Management- Rural Banking. Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Department of Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
Book Chapters
- Parahoo S. & Singh, A. S. (2022). Culinary Tourism motivations. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edited by Dimitrios Buhalis. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Venkataramani, B., Ambarkhane, D., & Singh, A. S., (2021). Financial Inclusion: A view through the prism of the paradox theory. Changing Dynamics of the Indian Economy-The Decade of Twenty-Tens and Ahead. Edited by Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, TechNeo Publications.
- Leena B. Dam, Neeraj Pandey, Deepa Pillai, and Sweta Banerjee (2021) , Opos: Fostering Shared Value In A Culinary Enterprise, Ivey Publishing, W24785
Year April 2021- March 2022
Journal Papers
- Rasiwala, F. S., & Kohli, B. (2021). Artificial Intelligence in FinTech: Understanding Stakeholders Perception on Innovation, Disruption, and Transformation in Finance. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR), 12(1), 48-65. (Scopus, ABDC-C )
- Gupta, P., & Kohli, B. (2021). Herding Behavior in the Indian Stock Market: An Empirical Study. Indian Journal of Finance, 15(5-7),.(Scopus, ABDC-C )
- Tapas, P., & Pillai, D. (2021). Prospect theory: an analysis of corporate actions and priorities in a pandemic crisis. International Journal of Innovation Science. (Scopus)
- Singh, K., & Pillai, D. (2021). Corporate governance in small and medium enterprises: a review. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society.(Scopus, ABDC-C)
- Parhi, S. P., & Pal, M. K. (2021). Impact of overconfidence bias in stock trading approach: a study of high net worth individual (HNI) stock investors in India. Benchmarking: An International Journal. (Scopus, ABDC-B )
- Joshi, G., Kohli, B., & Nalawade, S. (2021). Are small finance banks acting as catalysts for financial inclusion in India? A phenomenological study. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets. (Scopus, ABDC-B)
- Marak, Z. R., & Pillai, D. (2021). Relationship Between International Factoring and Cross-border Trade: A Granger Causality Approach. Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research, 15(3), 320-337. (Scopus, ABDC-C)
- Gupta, H., Gupta, M, Bharadwaj, A., Bhosale, T., Athar, M. (2021). COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak and its Impact on Bombay Stock Exchange Indices: An Empirical Analysis. Empirical Economics Letter, 20(2), 1681-8997. (ABDC-C)
- Singh, K., Pillai, D., & Rastogi, S. (2021). Pecking Order Theory of Capital Structure: Empirical Evidence for Listed SMEs in India. Vision, 09722629211057208.
- Dam, L. B., & Pillai, D. (2021). Metamorphosis from virtual community to ‘For Benefit’ Enterprise: chronicle of PULA and PULA Exclusives Pvt. Ltd. The CASE Journal.
- Singh, A.S. & Kundu D, (2021). Rural Management- Rural Banking. Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Department of Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
Book Chapters
- Parahoo S. & Singh, A. S. (2022). Culinary Tourism motivations. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edited by Dimitrios Buhalis. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Venkataramani, B., Ambarkhane, D., & Singh, A. S., (2021). Financial Inclusion: A view through the prism of the paradox theory. Changing Dynamics of the Indian Economy-The Decade of Twenty-Tens and Ahead. Edited by Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, TechNeo Publications.
- Leena B. Dam, Neeraj Pandey, Deepa Pillai, and Sweta Banerjee (2021) , Opos: Fostering Shared Value In A Culinary Enterprise, Ivey Publishing, W24785
Year April 2020- March 2021
Journal Papers
- Marak, Z. R., & Ambarkhane, D. (2019). Determinants of Accounts Receivables Financing: India and Other Asian Economies Perspectives. The Indian Economic Journal, 67 (1-2), 45–67.
- Ambarkhane, D., Singh, A. S., & Venkataramani, B. (2020). Measuring Financial Inclusion: Asia Pacific Region. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 17(1), 28-43.
- Kappal, J. M., & Rastogi, S. (2020). Investment behaviour of women entrepreneurs. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets. 12 (4), 485-504
- Tekam, S. S. (2020). An Empirical Analysis of Behavioural Factors Driving Indians Consumption of Gold. International Journal of Management (IJM), 11(10), 1897-1901.
- Kumar, A. (2020). Is Libra a Cryptocurrency of an Alternative Currency? Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science, 7(2), 85-96.
Book Chapters
- Kumar P., Singh, A. S., & Ambarkhane, D. (2020).Promoting Organic Products in India: The Case of Two Brothers Organic Farms. Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing: Case Studies on Food Experiences, edited by Adrienne Steffen and Susanne Doppler. Elsevier.
Year April 2019- March 2020
Journal Papers
- Ambarkhane, D., Singh, A. S., Venkataramani, B. (2020). Measuring Financial Inclusion across Asia Pacific Region. SCMS Journal of Indian Management (forthcoming). Journal Paper Link
- Shree, S., Brahmankar, Y., Singh, A. S. (2020). Inmates as Labour Pool: A Case of Inter-organizational Collaboration. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, 2277977920905288. (Scopus) Journal Paper Link
- Shree, S., Singh, A. S. (2019). Exploring Gamification for Recruitment through Actor Network Theory. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, 6(2), 242-257. (Scopus, Web of Science) Journal Paper Link
- Tapas, P., Pillai, D., Dangre, R. (2019). A systematic review of financial inclusion strategies and practices. Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR), 8(6), 90-103. Journal Paper Link
- Gupta P., Kohli B. (2019). Analysis of Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Indian Banking Sector Application of Data Envelopment Analysis. Journal of Adv Research in Dynamical Control Systems, 11 (01), 1014-1022. (Scopus) Journal Paper Link
Book Chapters
- Kumar P., Singh, A. S., & Ambarkhane, D. (2020).Promoting Organic Products in India: The Case of Two Brothers Organic Farms. Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing: Case Studies on Food Experiences, edited by Adrienne Steffen and Susanne Doppler (forthcoming).
- Kohli, B. And Gupta, P (2019), Impact of Ownership and Management Control on Corporate Governance of BSE 100 Companies.” In: Advances in Business Management A Contemporary Perspective (edited by Dr. R Raman, Prof. Prabir B and Prof. Poornima T.) Emerald Group Publishing (India) Private Limited. 499-519.
- Rasiwala F., & Kohli B (2019). Digital Disruption in the Financial Services Sector: A Study on the Perception of Various Stakeholders. In: Industry 4.0 and future of work (Edited by: Dr. Sona Vikas and Vodhisha Vyas) Bloomsbury, 254-274 Book Chapter Link
- Pillai Deepa, & Dam Leena (2019) “PULA Leveraging Social Media for Social Entrepreneurship”, International Conference on Management Cases, Bimtech, Noida, Bloomsbury.
Year April 2018- March 2019
Journal Papers Published
Chaurasia Sushil, Devendra Kodwani, Hitendra Lachhwani, Ketkar Manisha (08/2018) Big data academic and learning analytics Connecting the dots for academic excellence in higher education. International Journal of Educational Management, 32(6) : 1099-1117. Journal Paper Link
Dr. Bindya Kohli, Dr. Deepa Pillai (07/2018) Influence of Board Reformation on the Stock Returns: an Event Study. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.16) : 71-75. Journal Paper Link
SOUMALI BOSE, Dr. Bindya Kohli (05/2018) Study of FDI Trends and Patterns in BRICS Economies during the Period 1990?2015. Emerging Economy Studies, 4(1) : 78-101. Journal Paper Link
Ambarkhane, D., Singh, A. S., &Venkataramani, B. (2019). Measuring total factor productivity change of microfinance institutions in India using Malmquist productivity index. Indian Growth and Development Review. Journal Paper Link
Marak, Z. R., & Pillai, D. (2019). Factors, Outcome, and the Solutions of Supply Chain Finance: Review and the Future Directions. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 12(1), 1-23. Journal Paper Link
Singh, A. S., Shree, S., &Parahoo, S. K. (2018). Does Instructor's Use of Self-Authored Cases vs. Other Cases in Teaching Lead to More Effective Learning? Instructor's Use of Self-Authored Cases vs. Other Cases. International Journal of Marketing and Sales Education (IJMSE), 1(1), 49-63. Journal Paper Link
Joshi G. and Natu S. (02/2019). Mid Life Career Crisis in Employees: Critical Analysis and role of HR Department in the Organisation. International Journal of Management Studies, 6(2), 76-83.
Book Chapters Published
- Dr. Deepa Pillai, Dr V V Ravi Kumar (06/2018) Challenges faced by Banks for Financial Inclusion: Growth and Viability in the Indian Context. In: Marketing Techniques for financial inclusion and development (Edited by: Dr. Dhiraj Jain and Dr. Adya Sharma) IGI Global 1(1) , pp: 134-164
Case Studies
- Pillai, D., & Dam, L. B. (02/2019) From baby boomer to millennials: the changing flavor of entrepreneurial traits. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 9(1), 1-19. Case Study Link
Year April 2017- March 2018
Journal Papers Published
Dr. Bindya Kohli, Meghna Dangi (03/2018) Role of Behavioral Biases in Investment Decisions : A Factor Analysis. Indian Journal of Finance, 12(3) : 43-57. Journal Paper Link
Mr. Yogesh Brahmankar, Ardhendu Shekhar SINGH (12/2017) Promoting Naturopathy in India. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 8(4) : 678-684. Journal Paper Link
Tapas Poornima, Dr. Deepa Pillai (12/2017) Review of Community Based Healthcare Financing in India. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 8(4) : 399-406. Journal Paper Link
Kohli Bindya, Soumali Bose, Nandita Mukherjee (12/2017) Make in India and Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Manufacturing Sector: Trends and Patterns. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 15(16/2) : 41-59. Journal Paper Link
Gupta Deepa, Pillai Deepa, Kohli Bindya (12/2017) Causal Linkages between FDI, Gross Capital Formation, Exports and Growth: Evidences from India and China. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 15: 445-453.
Madhura Bedarkar, Mishra Mahima, Deepa Gupta (12/2017) Make in India: Implications on Manufacturing Sector. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 15(16) : 273-286.
Damle Pramod, Ketkar Manisha (10/2017) Moving from Customer Service to Customer Delight: An Ethnographic Study of the Relationship Managers in Banking Sector. Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finanace, 7(10) : 11-22. Journal Paper Link
Deepa Gupta, Dr. Deepa Pillai (09/2017) Empirical Investigation of Causal Linkage Between Sectoral Reforms, FDI and Growth: Evidences from India. Advanced Science Letters, 23(9) : 8023-8043.
Kohli Bindya, meghna dangi (07/2017) Overconfidence bias and trading volume:an empirical investigtion. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, 8(1/4) : 69-75.
Bindya kohli (07/2017) JIO Mere Lal: Disruption in the Indian Telecom Sector. International Journal of Economic Research, 14(8) : 329-338. Journal Paper Link
Kohli Bindya, Mansha Anand (05/2017) Assessment of the Impact of Demonetization on the Indian Economy. International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, 8(5) : 44-47. Journal Paper Link
Book Chapters Published
Dr. Bindya Kohli, Dipayan Roy, Dr. Deepa Pillai (12/2017) Divergent Media Channels for Expediting Financial Literacy Outreach. In: New Challenges in Banking and Finance (Edited by: Nesrin Ozatac and Korhan Gokmenoglu) Springer 1(1) , pp: 139-152. Book Chapter Link
Ketkar, Manisha (et al.) (08/2017) A Flexible Approach to Mitigation of Supply Risk Through Scenario Modelling. In: Flexibility in Resource Management (Edited by: Sushil, T. P. Singh, Anand J. Kulkarni) Springer Singapore 1(1) , pp: 203-214. Book Chapter Link
Ardhendu Shekhar SINGH, Dilip Ambarkhane, Bhama Venkataramani (07/2017) Rural Tourism. In: The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism (Edited by: Linda Lowry) Sage Publications 1, pp: 1048-1052. Book Chapter Link
Rao Prakash, Bhat Viraja, Patil Yogesh, Ketkar Manisha (05/2017) Building Energy, Environment And Sustainability Linkages In Management Education In India - An Innovative Curriculum Based Approach. In: Curricula for Sustainability in Higher Education (Edited by: J Paulo Davim) Springer International Publishing , pp: 60-77. Book Chapter Link
Year April 2016- March 2017
Journal Papers Published
Shrivastava Mallika, Kohli Bindya (02/2017) Impact of M-Shoppers Age on Customer Satisfaction and M Shopping Continuance Intention in Indian Consumers. International Journal of Computer Science and Management Studies, 34(1) : 6-23. Journal Paper Link
Pillai Deepa, Dam Leena (01/2017) Assessment of Value Proposition Drivers for a Micro Enterprise. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance, 8-13 (ISSN: 2321-5925). Journal Paper Link
Pillai Deepa (01/2017) Demystifying Financial Literacy: An Empirical Analysis. In: Rural Development: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges in 21st Century (Edited by: Dr. Danoel Penkar, Dr. Hansraj Thorat) Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust, pp: 35-42
Gupta, D., & Bedarkar, M. (12/ 2016). Fiscal Consolidation in India: The Way Forward. Indian Journal of Finance, 10(12), 29-38.
Ambarkhane, D., Singh, A. S., & Venkataramani, B. (12/2016). Developing a Comprehensive Financial Inclusion Index. Management and Labour Studies, 41(3), 216–235. Journal Paper Link
Roy, D., & Kohli, B. (12/2016). Measuring The Technical Efficiency Of Indian Real Estate Sector Through Data Envelopment Analysis.International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 14(14), 21-28. (Scopus,Index Copernicus; ISSN: 0972-7302). Journal Paper Link
Ambarkhane Dilip, Singh Ardhendu Shekhar, Venkataramani Bhama (11/2016) Financial Inclusion and Governance in the Financial Sector. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 14(6) : 4137-4147 (Scopus,Index Copernicus; ISSN: 0972-7302). Journal Paper Link
Singh Ardhendu Shekhar, Ambarkhane Dilip, Venkataramani Bhama (11/2016) Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance in India. International Journal of Economic Research, 13(3) : 1197-1204 (Scopus,Index Copernicus; ISSN: 0972-9380). Journal Paper Link
Singh Ardhendu Shekhar, Ambarkhane Dilip, Bhama Venkataramani (11/2016) Microlending and The Grameen Bank. In: Business in Ethical Focus (Edited by: Firtz Allhoff, Alexander Sager, Anand Vaidya) Broadview Press , pp: 178-179 (ISBN: 978-1-55481-251-6). Journal Paper Link
Ambarkhane Dilip, Singh Ardhendu Shekhar, Venkataramani Bhama (04/2016) Measuring Financial Inclusion of Indian States. International Journal of Rural Management, 12(1) : 72-100 (Scopus; ISSN: 0973-0052). Journal Paper Link
Book Chapters Published
Pillai Deepa (01/2017) Demystifying Financial Literacy: An Empirical Analysis. In: Rural Development: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges in 21st Century (Edited by: Dr. Danoel Penkar, Dr. Hansraj Thorat) Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust , pp: 35-42.
Singh Ardhendu Shekhar, Ambarkhane Dilip, Bhama Venkataramani (11/2016) Microlending and The Grameen Bank. In: Business in Ethical Focus (Edited by: Firtz Allhoff, Alexander Sager, Anand Vaidya) Broadview Press , pp: 178-179.
Conferences Proceedings:
Dr.Bindya kohli, Meghna dangi (03/2017) Facial Width To Height Ratio and Firm Performance- A study of Indian CEOs. In: National conference on Contemporary Issues in management and Entrepreneurship
Year April 2015- March 2016
Journal Papers Published
- Singh Bhullar, D. P., & Roy, Dipayan (01/2016). Determination of Sustainable Business Strategies during Recession: An Indian Perspective. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 5(1), 39-46. Journal Paper Link
- Kohli Bindya (10/2015) A Case Study on Bandhan: The Newest Entrant in the Competitive Banking Sector in India. International Journal of Advance Research in Computer science and management Studies, 3(10) : 25-31 (Google Scholar,Computer Science Directory,Global Impact Factor,Index Copernicus,Mendeley,Research Bible; ISSN: 2347-1778). Journal Paper Link
- Bhosale Trupti, Korivi Sunder Ram (04/2015) Evolving Role of Gold in the Indian Financial System: Recent Evidence. The Institute of Cost Accountants of India Research Bulletin, 41(1) : 127-153 ( ISSN: 2230-9241).
- Sridharan Srividhya, Joshi Medha (04/2015) The Damn Lucky Fellow and the 3 Housewives.Perspectiva A Case Research Journal, 1(1): 1-22 ( ISSN: 2394 - 9961). Journal Paper Link
- Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Bhama Venkataramani, Dilip Ambarkhane, and Ardhendu Shekhar Singh, (04/2015), “Challenges of Effective Implementation of Micro-Insurance in India: A Case Study of Bhartiya Agro Industries Foundation (BAIF)”, Annual Research Journal of SCMS, Pune, Vol. 3, pp. 176-187. Journal Paper Link
- Dilip Ambarkhane, Ardhendu Shekhar Singh, and Bhama Venkataramani(04/2015), “Financial Literacy Index for College Students”, Annual Research Journal of SCMS, Pune, Vol. 3, pp. 1-25. Journal Paper Link
Case Studies:
- Ardhendu Shekhar Singh, Dilip Ambarkhane & Bhama Venkataramani, (2016). Firmenich: Designing Products for Low-Income Consumers in India. Sage Business Cases. Case Study Link
- Ardhendu Shekhar Singh, Dilip Ambarkhane & Bhama Venkataramani, (2016). Meds and Food for Kids (MFK) Haiti: RUTF (Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food) in Haiti. Sage Business Cases. Case Study Link
- Ardhendu Shekhar Singh, Dilip Ambarkhane & Bhama Venkataramani, (2016). Hitachi: Efforts to Preserve Ecosystems. Sage Business Cases. Case Study Link
- Ardhendu Shekhar Singh, Dilip Ambarkhane & Bhama Venkataramani, (2016). Women-only markets in Pakistan. Sage Business Cases. Case Study Link
Conferences Proceedings:
- Ardhendu Shekhar Singh, Dilip Ambarkhane & Bhama Venkataramani “Understanding the perception of customers towards Corporate Social Responsibility activities of the Bank”, IMRA-IIMB International Conference, IIMB, Bengaluru, December 16-18, 2015.
- Ardhendu Shekhar Singh, Dilip Ambarkhane & Bhama Venkataramani , “Hybrid organizations in financial industry of India”, IMRA-IIMB International Conference, IIMB, Bengaluru, December 16-18, 2015.
- Dilip Ambarkhane, Ardhendu Shekhar Singh & Bhama Venkataramani , “Measuring Financial Inclusion across the world”, IMRA-IIMB International Conference, IIMB, Bengaluru, December 16-18, 2015.
- Deepa Pillai, and Shirly Abraham, “Accelerating Financial Outreach by Commercial Banks through Collaborative Actions”,IMRA-IIMB International Conference, IIMB, Bengaluru, December 16-18, 2015.
Year April 2014- March 2015
Journal Papers Published
- Prakash Rao, Ketkar Manisha, Kulkarni Shilpa, Viraja Bhat, Yogesh Patil (01/2015) Sustainability in an educational institution: analysing the transition to paperless e processes, an Indian case. In: E-Learning and Education for Sustainability (Edited by: Azeiteiro, Ulisses Miranda / Leal Filho, Walter / Caeiro, Sandra) Peter Lang International Academic Publishers 35, pp: 216-234 (ISBN: 978-3-631-62693-1).
- Singh Ardhendu Shekhar, Venkataramani Bhama, Ambarkhane Dilip (08/2014) Market Linkage for Sustainable Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs. Journal of Commerce & Management Thought, 5(4) : 545-556 (Ebsco,ProQuest; ISSN: 0976-478X).
- Singh, Ardhendu Shekhar, Venkataramani Bhama (07/2014) Financial Education: Institutes of Higher Education as delivery channels. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 12(4): 401-412 (Scopus; ISSN: 1753-3635).
- Korivi Sunder Ram, Bhosale Trupti (12/2014) Overseas Bond Issuances by Indian Companies: Recent Evidence. International Economic and Finance Journal, (ISSN: 0973-5259).
Book Chapters Published
- Ambarkhane Dilip, Venkataramani Bhama, Singh Ardhendu Shekhar (02/2015) Financial Literacy Index for College Students. In: Proceedings of Third International Conference on emerging trends in the global financial landscape- Approaches , challenges & Opportunities, , pp: 62-73 (ISBN : 978-1-63415-553-3).
- Gupta Pradeep Kumar, Venkataramani B hama, Singh Ardhendu Shekhar, Ambarkhane Dilip(02/2015) Challenges of Effective Implementation of Micro-Insurance in India - A Case Study of Bhartiya Agro Industries Foundation (BAIF). In: Proceedings of Third International Conference on emerging trends in the global financial landscape- Approaches , challenges & Opportunities, pp: 195-204 (ISBN : 978-1-63415-553-3).
- Kohli Bindya, Khatkale Swati (12/2014) Comparative Analysis of the Accuracy of Credit Risk(Default Prediction) Modelling using discriminant Analysis and Logistic Regression. In: In Proceedings of Finance and Risk Perspectives, pp: 415-427 (ISBN: 978-3-9503518-2-8).
Year April 2020- March 2021
Journal Papers
- Marak, Z. R., & Ambarkhane, D. (2019). Determinants of Accounts Receivables Financing: India and Other Asian Economies Perspectives. The Indian Economic Journal, 67 (1-2), 45–67.
- Ambarkhane, D., Singh, A. S., & Venkataramani, B. (2020). Measuring Financial Inclusion: Asia Pacific Region. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 17(1), 28-43.
- Kappal, J. M., & Rastogi, S. (2020). Investment behaviour of women entrepreneurs. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets. 12 (4), 485-504
- Tekam, S. S. (2020). An Empirical Analysis of Behavioural Factors Driving Indians Consumption of Gold. International Journal of Management (IJM), 11(10), 1897-1901.
- Kumar, A. (2020). Is Libra a Cryptocurrency of an Alternative Currency? Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science, 7(2), 85-96.
Book Chapters
- Kumar P., Singh, A. S., & Ambarkhane, D. (2020).Promoting Organic Products in India: The Case of Two Brothers Organic Farms. Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing: Case Studies on Food Experiences, edited by Adrienne Steffen and Susanne Doppler. Elsevier.