Summer Internship Project
- Market Research in cross M&A and Analysis
- Migration to non branch alternatives
- Depatment of Payment and Settlement Systems
- To Study the Role of Intermediaries in the Payment System.
- Credit Appraisal in Corporate Banking
- Operational Risk Management - External Loss Data
- Credit Appraisal in Corporate Banking( Mid / Large Companies)
- Value Chain Analysis of Agri-commodity
- Alternate Way of Banking
- Customer Survey and migration to channels
- Corporate Banking-SARAL model
- Value Chain Analysis of Agri-commodity
- Working Capital ,Management ,
- Credit and enhancement. &client servicing
- Credit analysis, working capital financing
- Credit appraisal (retail and corporate)
- Retail Banking
- Corporate Risk Analysis Report- General Insurance
- International Banking Division
- Industrial Finance, Asset back loan, Bill discounting
- Forex & Trade Operations
- Crediit analysis working capital managment
- MSME Finance
- SME (small and medium enterprise) lending
- SIPs , Open ended and Close Ended MF's( Sales and Marketing)
- Prime Sector Lending and SME lending
- SIPs ( management of sub brokers, broker activation etc)
- Corporate and retail banking
- Bank finance- Effective post sanction monitoring-challenges & solutions
- Credit Wholesale Banking(Improving credit dept mechanism)
- Foreign Exchange Department - Third Party, Payments received for exports - Needs, Issues, Frameworks for Trade facilitation and Prevention of misuse. Project: Rationalization and Simplification of Rules and Regulations under FEMA 20
- Retail and Corporate Lendings,SME Lending
- KYC Form Rectification
- Letter of credit in Central Trade operations
- General Banking Operations (Retail Banking)
- Working capital finance
- Retail Assets
- credit appraisal (corporate)
- Credit Appraisal in Corporate Banking
- Retail Banking
- Corporate lending
- Trade finance and forex services.
- Retail Assets
- Retail Liability
- Investment banking-M&A advisory, Corporate strategy,
- Private equity syndication
- Credit Analysis
- Corporate Risk Analysis Report- General Insurance
- Corporate banking ,risk rating and analysis of credit appraisal
- Credit Apprasial-- Analysis of the existing score card system a success rate and suggestions for improvement
- Corporate banking , risk rating and analysis of credit appraisal
- Credit Apprasial - Analysis of the existing score card system a success rate and suggestions for improvement.